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CGSA Memberships Are Designed For...

  • Who want to train with a program that defines personal SMART GOALS, and know what it takes to achieve them.

  • Who want professional training and are eager and willing to learn how to train professionally.

  • Who want the most effective and efficient return from the hard work established.

  • Who want a personal program that focuses on their needs and detailed data on the progress the student obtains.

  • Who want to train with experts in that field. Embrace the professionalism and importance of Total Footballing Development. Read More...

WHY CHOOSE Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy


"We Put Passion In Your Process."

"The process is nothing if you don't persevere. CGSA puts Passion in The Process. At CGSA we encourage our student body to take responsibility of their work  that is required to be great. What that means is; Embrace The Greenwood Mentality. Have the mindset of an elite athlete. Be consume with curiosity. Ask experienced ones what will it take to be "Better Today Than I was Yesterday". Put Passion in the process. Bring Maximum Effort that is required to be GREAT. At the Academy we encourage our students to have Goals and those Goals are their own. Our players at CGSA learn how to take responsibility for the required work to reach those goals. Most of all at Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy our committed players have FUN!. Our students are better teammates, family members, role models, and leaders of their community. Ultimately Becoming The Best Version of Themselves."

Always Challenge Yourself...

"Keep track of your progress and performance in real time with our dedicated coaching staff.  We will track and record your data daily and  when evaluation is necessary and productivity is asked, CGSA has the answer to all the questions."

- Clint Greenwood

Director, Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy LLC

Private Lesson Programs For

The Advanced Player

Are you not getting enough touches?

of the ball during your team training sessions?  From beginning club player, elite, national, or professional the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy One on One Program has designed a curriculum best fitted for you.  What we are known for is improving players that have the will to change. Our Curriculum utilizes the Greenwood Method to advance our student's needs in the areas of...

  • Individual Technical Ability -  (Ball Mastery) Includes: All the dribbles, Soccerobics, Soccercise, Ball Gymnastics, Juggling, Tricks, and Lifts.

  • Speed Agility and Quickness Enhancement -  (Fast Twitch Training) Includes: Reaction Training, Track Work, Apparatus Training, and of course fast feet development.

  • Passing and Receiving -  (Striking The Ball) Includes: Finishing, Long Balls, Driven Balls, Chips, Lofts, Swerving Balls, and Free Kicks.

  • Imagination  - (Creative Mindset) Includes: Combination moves, Combination Passing in the Penalty Area, Dummies, Imagination and Difference Making Skills...

  • Tactical Sense | Soccer IQ -  (Game Sense, and Field - Awareness - Soccer - Training "FAST" )   This Step also includes overall Football / Soccer History and Laws of The Game.

  • Soccer Personality -  (Mental Capacity and Soccer Physique) Includes: Different Cultures, Fields of Play, and Weight Training that is solely focused on building a proper Soccer Physique.​ Through the GREENWOOD METHOD their staff concentrates on each students diet, weight training, focusing on lower body strength, and keeping upper body more cut but less body fat  which improves agility,  strength than building mass. Footballers all have to be flexible and supple.

"A Word From The Director"

The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy has been involved in Soccer Training & Education for over 27 years. It is a system of teaching and nurturing  high level players to stay sharp and fit both mentally and physically. The difference in speed of play was the first obvious weakness between European Soccer and U.S. Soccer.  "As a professional player just coming off a season abroad in England and Wales,  Clint was able to implement the speed of play, aggressiveness, and professionalism of the Europeans, and the game changing skill he had obtained throughout his entire career as a Footballer. Explains Gavin Tait, "Cardiff City Coach".

The ideology of the system

is called The Greenwood Method. Coach Greenwood implemented this style of teaching in every program that he offered. Whether it was a camp, clinic, or private instruction, Clint Greenwood's skill and magical way of teaching some of the most sophisticated dribbling demonstrations was always a selling point.

"Bringing a serious approach to Football in The States is my daily objective, but creating new and improved curriculum's for best results of an ever changing style of player in the world is my passion." explains Director, Clint Greenwood."


The uniqueness and innovative exercises have been proven to be a very important mainstay component at The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy.  But the constant reminder that dedication, devotion, love, loyalty, respect, and education maintains each student's overall development remains so vital in the overall completion of each Total Footballing Development outcome.  These 5 Traits are a continuance to our overall teaching method and remains the backbone to our overall School's mentality.

  1.  God

  2.  Family

  3.  Football and Academy Education

  4. Team and Club

  5. Each One Teach One 


"Experience is the foundation of Wisdom, but if you have been IN AN ENVIRONMENT LEARNING FROM PROGRAMS WITHOUT ANY WISDOM, your overall knowledge suffers, thence your wisdom shall be limited. Open minded students capture and receive the grace of their will, but others don't approach things with an open eye and ear to hear. They think they could do it all on their own. A true successful student is curious about what they could do to better themselves each and every day taking in all the knowledge and turning it into their purpose. At CGSA Surpass your Best and become someone who wants to be a better child of God,  person, family member, community leader, and Footballer with wisdom to share with others and the ones who follow."


Director of Program, Clint Greenwood.

Above - are 3 elite players performing various dribbling , passing, and pressurizing innovation exercises to help the student prepare and offer more to their club.


To embrace The Greenwood Mentality (Driven Mindset Towards Being The Best) is to stay steadfast in your commitment to a strong attitude that is never yielding and always striving to "be better today than you were yesterday."  These 6 components are the guide towards becoming a better player both mentally and physically. 

  1. Curiosity is the Avenue to Greatness and Growth (Always search education of Football  from proper experience sources)

  2. Be Better Today Than You Were Yesterday.

  3. Develop Your Super Brain (Education Through Constant Curiosity)

  4. Find Out How Others Before You Did It and Improve it By Taking Responsibility over What is Required To Be Great.

  5. Make it Your Own (Declare It).

  6. Don't Ever Be Outworked!


A growth mindset is the idea that when meeting a challenge, we respond not with “I can’t do this,” but rather, how can I learn to do this?” Carol Dweck, Ph.D., one of the pioneers of fixed-versus-growth mindset research, says that unwarranted praise can promote a fixed mindset in children. The same is true of ourselves. While we should respond with self-encouragement after failing, we should also hold ourselves accountable, don’t let ourselves off the hook too easily. At its core, a growth mindset isn’t blind positivity, but rather the understanding that knowledge and achievement comes from the accumulation of hard work and practice. Train your mind to think differently than before. And become a student the attains constant curiosity on different ways to become an elite Footballer.


On behalf of The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy, we would like to thank and appreciate the support of WIX who is the best website supporter and creator in the world. Thank you,  CGSA

- Clint Greenwood

Once your personalized program is developed, you will dive deep into your training routine alongside our experienced coaching staff selected to best fit The Greenwood Method teaching

Each student learns at different rate. CGSA assures each student to capture their very best with enough education to self teach. this process we call Analyzation is the input from professionals that get the best out of every student.

Each student will receive a balanced and varied training curriculum that best fits each ones busy schedule. Our coaching staff are in total compliance to our programs philosophy .

Optimize your return on your knowledge and education regarding proper professional training and what is required to Surpass Your Best. Ultimately being the best version of yourself which is our goal at CGSA.

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