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When and Where Is The Continuum?

Welcome to The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy Daily Continuum page. The Daily Continuum is an extension of education in technical , tactical, physical, and psychological performance enhancement of an Elite Footballer and the daily regiment of different exercises with great progression and demands for the absolute training curriculum created for the player who wants to "Be The Best Version of Themselves". The technical components that are covered every day in a capacity of great demands progressive advancement for the player of today. 

Daily Continuum Info.

What Does The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy Continuum Offer?

  • It will improve your touch. This will give you more time and space in the game. You will be able to use the ball better.

  • It will improve your control. You will be able to put the ball exactly where you need to.

  • It will improve your flexibility. Use different parts of your foot to best control the ball.

  • It will improve your weaker foot.  This will give you more opportunities to score more goals, run with the ball more effectively and pass with  more accuracy and proper pace and rhythm.

CGSA Daily Continuum is a continuation of The Greenwood Method. A philosophy, style, and systematic approach of player development. The Method is an extension to what is required to push elite athletes that have embraced the understanding of what it will take to be "Better Today Than They Were Yesterday." Each and every athlete have special gifts,  but along with that their gifts they also have  much more weak areas and The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy through their World Renown Player Development System known as "The Greenwood Method"  will  CUSTOMIZE A PROGRAM  ESPECIALLY for the student that will give the student more understanding what is required, to reach their goals. Ultimately becoming the "Best Version of themselves. "We Put Passion In Your Process.


The successful Greenwood student is one that is inquisitive and open minded to that change.  We teach every student have great curiosity.  Asking questions to experienced individuals will help you understand the fine technical details often overlooked by most schools, academies, and individual teachers.   Through embracing The Greenwood Mentality, our students "BRING IT!   They bring maximum effort required to be GREAT. Our students "THINK FOR THEMSELVES"  and learn to make their own goals. CGSA students take responsibility for the required work to achieve those goals. At CGSA we evolve and continue to use the most advanced training ideas and equipment for the most effective use to obtain our objective in offering the most  advanced Soccer Player Performance Enhancement Program available anywhere. 

* Important to know...  Any student that is currently under a package with CGSA Continuum Program is eligible to attend any venue that is holding a Continuum Class. Don't make the mistake if you are a Unlimited Package holder to only attend the session that you first registered for. You are eligible to attend unlimited sessions at all the different cities across Southern California, and Las Vegas Nevada. For any inquiries call The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy at their offices (661) 425-4210 or email CGSA @ 

Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy Training

For Student Discount Availability, Group Discounts, Friends and Family Discounts, and Renewal Discounts CALL CGSA @ (661) 425-4210 or Email Us @

CGSA Daily Continuum Bundle Package Prices and Terms

Click the appropriate Package and then go to Player Registration Form and list your package and use the PayPal link to complete your purchase...

Choose The Right Program Package and Just Click The Link 


Ask About Bringing CGSA To You...

Bring CGSA Continuum To Your City.  Call CGSA Today For Details...

Daily Continuum  -

  • 1 hour of Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Mental Soccer Education

  • The Greenwood Method Curriculum Based

  • 2 NEW Topics Every Session

  • Refer Students to Form a New Continuum in Your City and You Can be Available For A Platinum Package Worth $1500

(661) 425-4210

About CGSA Elite Level Students

Available NOW

Silver Package: (2 Months)  = 8 Classes
Cost - $275 Per Player 

Silver Package Includes -

  • 8 Continuum Classes "All Locations"

  • $125.00 OFF 

  • Individual Player development and progress analytics...

  • The Greenwood Method Curriculum Based

  • College & Pro Placement 

(661) 425-4210


Available NOW

CGSA Single Session
Cost - $50.00 Per Player 

Daily Continuum  -

  • 1 hour of Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Mental Soccer Education

  • The Greenwood Method Curriculum Based

  • 2 NEW Topics Every Session

  • Guest Professional Coaches and CGSA Alumni

  • Curriculum Compares To Top Clubs in The UK

  • College & Pro Placement

(661) 425-4210


Available NOW

Gold Package: (6 Months) = Unlimited 
Cost - $800 Per Player

Gold Package Includes  -

  • 6 Months Unlimited Access To Continuum Classes "All Locations"

  • 2 Official CGSA Training Shirts 

  • 2 FREE Private Lessons

  • Discounts On Programs and Apparel

(661) 425-4210

CGSA Daily Continuum_edited.jpg

Available NOW

Bronze Package: (1 Month)  =  4 Classes
Cost - $150 Per Player 

Bronze Package Includes -

  • 1 FREE  Continuum Class | Savings $50.00

  • 4 Continuum Classes "All Locations"

  • 1 On 1 Player to Coach Meeting & Evaluation

  • The Greenwood Method Curriculum Based

  • 2 NEW Topics Every Session

(661) 425-4210


Available NOW

Platinum Package: (12 Months) = Unlimited
Cost - $1500 Per Player

Platinum Package Includes - 

  • ​12 Months Unlimited Access To Continuum Classes  "All Locations"

  • 2 Training Shirts, 1 Sweatshirt, Ball

  • 4 FREE Private Lessons

  • Discounts On Programs and Apparel

(661) 425-4210

What CGSA Daily Continuum Offers You...

Private Small Group Clinics

2 Players -  $65  Each Session


To Save $$$ Ask About Reserving a Monthly Private Group

3 - 5 Players -  $50 Each Session


6 - 9 Players - $40 Each Session


10 and UP Players - $20  Each Session


To donate to an individual student of The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy LLC Questions?

Call  (661) 425-4210

For Donations & Scholarships, please mail to:

Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy 

19953 Avenue of the Oaks

Newhall, CA 91321

CGSA Office Tel: (661) 425-4210


A World Recognized Program...

Around the world the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy provide young players with the opportunity to develop, learning new techniques and skills both on and off the pitch.  With all this being directed tactically by, the founder of The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy. At CGSA we offer each and every student The Greenwood Method, system of teaching.  CGSA believes in teaching the game at the highest level, and also teaching life and how to manage it with and without football. These details are not taught at other Academies, and are very essential to a player that could make the wrong decisions along the way of development that determine their future. These important components are vital in the future of a full-time athlete and at CGSA we make it an important part of our overall teachings, so each student will understand the importance of development through humbleness and curiosity. Always willing to learn from someone that has been there before and kindness towards piers no matter what level they are at always lend a hand.

     Our main objective at CGSA is to bring our unique system to players all over the world. Where ever you might attend a Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy event,  maybe in Portsmouth, England, Los Angeles, CA, Ventura, CA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, or Guadalajara, Mexico we hope you had a lot of fun, were educated, tested, and most importantly inspired to continue to play and support our beautiful game of football. We will continue to commit all our efforts in creating new innovative training programs that produce entertaining footballers advancing to higher levels playing on entertaining football clubs all around the world.

Academy Daily Continuum Packages

*Individual Sessions*- $50

Read About CGSA Friends & Family Discount Coupon to Save More $$$

Savings: $$$ Unlimited Training 

*12 Month "Yearly" Platinum Package* - $1500 (Unlimited)

Time Period - (12 months unlimited)

FREE- includes 4 private lessons

Savings: $$$ Unlimited Package

*6 Month Gold Package*- $800 (Unlimited sessions)

Time Period - (6 months unlimited)

FREE- includes 2 private lessons

Savings:  $$$ 2 Months  (8 Classes)

2 Months Contract For Completion -  $275 per student

Time Period - (2 months)

Savings:  $$$ 1 Month -  (4 Classes)

1 Month Contract For Completion -  $150 per student

Time Period -- (1 month)


Here is a Few Links To Make Your Browsing Easier

Follow Us on Our Facebook Page For Up To Date Programs, Schedule Changes, and Other Fun Stuff...

  • LinkedIn - White Circle
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  • Instagram - White Circle

"Bring Your Maximum Effort For The Required Work To Fulfill Your Goals"


6 Steps To Success @ CGSA



At The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy our students learn to embrace the mental side of competition. They learn to take responsibility of the requirements of what it takes to be great and become great. Each day being inquisitive of what it will take to "Be Better Today Than I Was Yesterday"




Each educational practice has a meaning. CGSA approaches every session, meeting, class, practice, and game with a purpose to "Surpass Your Best".


The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy puts Passion in The Process of Player Development.

CGSA has successfully developed some of the best Soccer players in the U.S. over 26 Years of Total Footballing Development



We provide world class Soccer Specific Technical , Tactical, Psychological, and Cultural Training Programs With Over 26 Years of Experience.  Brought to you by The World Renown Greenwood Method Philosophy and Mentality




CGSA provides dynamic exercises with explanation of tactical knowledge along with amazing sense of balance and quickness to paint a clear picture of what it will take to master world class moves with deception and flair.


We provide world class Soccer training and development for serious Soccer players in 7 States of The U.S., 2 countries across the world, 8 cities across Southern California and in the Heart of Thousands 


“We are very pleased to continue our partnership with Clint Greenwood Soccer  Academy,  The Greenwood Method is considered one of Europe's great resources when it comes to player development and individual skill advancement. It proves very valuable  for players that want to be a professional in Europe and capable of playing at the speed required to be an elite footballer  that can play under all conditions and styles.  CGSA has proven the most reliable platform for advancing elite player's  technical ability in the North American region, and has developed some of the top young talents playing in the U.K.  If you are a player that has aspirations of playing professional football in Europe, CGSA and The Greenwood Method is a great stepping stone for your preparation for the next level.  For that reason alone TGM's talent in advancing a player's  Individual skills and creativity with the ball places The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy above the rest."

Jimmy Shoulder,

  • UEFA A Pro License Instructor

  • Staff Coach, Football Association of Wales,  F.A.W. 

  • FAW Coaching Instructor

Ask The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy to Bring The Continuum to Your City

If you are interested in booking the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy for a small group, team, club, or league, contact us at (661) 425-4210 or email CGSA @ Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy is in the full-time business of Total Footballing Development. For inquiries on bringing the "EBST" Education Based Soccer Training to your city.  Contact us on this website on our contact page listed on the bottom footer of every page.

"The Truest Wisdom is a Resolute Determination"



For serious Footballers wanting to keep sharp, continue their education, stay fit, and embellish proper professional training.

This program is great for locals who capture the right winning mentality. Ask about our Packages.


$50 per class

Academy Elite Players Evan Greenwood and Sammi Fisher


"One on One" Private Instruction is not for everyone. The intensity takes a step up in fitness, technical demands, and amount of rest in between reps. Director evaluates the background of the student's past performance, and designs the best fitted curriculum and schedule that works best for each individual.  All candidates are approved by, the local Director of the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy Program in U.S.

  • Awarded Best Player Development Program 2019 & 2020 by,





Camps are established to offer The Greenwood Method to other parts of the world. CGSA brings exciting new and improved drills and methods every camp.

Invite a friend for a great experience.



SantaClaritaUnitedCGSADecemberWinterCampSoccersize_Trim_Moment (2).jpg


  1. Cardiovascular Training

  2. Plyometric Training

  3. Eye | Hand Coordination

  4. Foot speed

  5. Agility/Suppleness

  6. Technical Soccer Exercises

  7. Eye/Hand Coordination

  8. Eye | Foot Coordination (Soccer oriented practice)

  9. Explosive Training (Speed Training)

  10. Overall Fitness​​

  • Eye | Hand | Foot | (Coordination)





An Intense Program focussing on preparation of a club's team purpose and identity and nurturing an advance formula for success in their future competitions. CGSA offers elite tactical insight that is unmatched in the United States.





These sessions are our Small Group Classes and purposefully designed for students who would like to form a private group with friends and teammates. This is determined and approved by Director. Individuals can also contact CGSA and recommend joining one of these groups.

  • 2 Players - Cost per player: $65 

  • 3-5 Players - Cost per player: $50

  • 6-9 Players - Cost per player: $40

  • 10 and Over - Cost per player: $20

* Note:  These prices are based on commitment and attendance. 



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