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Updated: Apr 10, 2024


  • What is SPECIFIC about the goal?

  • Is the goal MEASURABLE? (How will you know the goal has been achieved?)

  • Is the goal ACHIEVABLE?

  • Is the goal REALISTIC? to performance expectations or professional development?

  • Is the goal TIME BOUND? (How often will this task be done? Or, by when will this goal be accomplished?)

CGSA Is a strong believer in imputing the teaching of SMART Goals for Soccer Development. This practice has been successful in producing some of US's Best International Players... For 26 years CGSA has been very successful in producing skillful players. For as many professional player's that have been developed by CGSA programs, there are many that began intimidated, and frustrated by the difficulty and complexed some of the exercises were.

Through a step by step progressive process the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy using the Greenwood Method "Training System" will systematically mature our student's soccer abilities over our 3 Stage process of development. Ole', Style, and Victory are the different stages of CGSA's overall developmental process. Utilizing the 6 components that are the makeup of the Greenwood Method that produce a professional footballer, CGSA’s ongoing training programs start off in the 1st stage by introducing our new students to skill familiarity with different technical skills that are learnt during their Soccer adolescence. One constant part of the Ole Stage is the introduction to different dribbling moves. CGSA dissects the moves of some of the world class players and categorize them for easier comprehension. Every dribble taught at CGSA have these 3 important components for the execution of a successful dribble.

SMART GOALS ARE A SUCCESS... The using of S.M.A.R.T. GOALS are very useful tool that our program utilizes to make the student aware of what is required to be a top athlete/soccer player. The Director and staff of CGSA proudly accepts the role of coach, trainer, teacher, psychologist, mentor, and best friend. In fact, it is vital for an educational program of any kind explain why and what is involved in fulfilling your goals. The S.M.A.R.T. GOALS allow the developing player to put it in realization of the process of developing and maturing both as a player, and a person.

Use SMART Goals outline to fulfill your goal.

1. Is your goal SPECIFIC?

2. Is your goal MEASURABLE?

3. Is your goal ACHIEVABLE?

4. Is your goal RESULTS - FOCUSED?

5. Does your goal have a TIME FRAME?


Is quite the same as our Director's Soccer characteristics when he was a player. He brought imagination to everything he did as a player. The CGSA training philosophy has always been about thinking quicker, broader, and more confident than anyone else. The Soccer Camps around the world teach fundamental skills as a foundation and throw in a bonus skill, or an advanced skill. In every program conducted by CGSA they show you something above what you already learned. "There is always better, says Director, Clint Greenwood. I want you to think outside the box, when you are training. If it is a topic you haven't covered, then open your heart, and mind to take in the information so that it will absorb your senses, and this way you won't just be conformed to only one style, but be interchangeable, and transform the way you think, explains Coach Greenwood."


At first our new student/athlete find our drills, demands, and tactical advancement, very complicated. CGSA believes in strong demands of the students, and from the students, but with a nurturing and positive approach. With the demands at a high and professional level, the student will encounter numerous difficulties. After students experience at times failure or even lose confidence, the dedicated CGSA student's build strong character and learn how to get up when they stumble and fall, and keep striving to Surpass Their Best. It's through personal heartache, injury, sickness, adversity, anxiety, emotional distress, loss of a loved one, and other trials in our lives, the true CHAMPION prevails, and pushes forward in a positive way. It's during these times the knowledge is flowing through us and builds our CHARACTER.

In football, the trainer/coach determines what is the best formula for success putting together the lesson plan. A quality coach creates the curriculum based on the quality of the best player, not sets the standard below just to make the slower learner feel good. CGSA is in the full-time business 365 days of the year sharing their vast knowledge and skill to produce Champions. We want champions in Football, and CHAMPIONS IN LIFE. Through these awkward, trials, we GROW IN CHARACTER. If the player continues to feel frustrated, he/she is probably not doing the extra work needed to develop into the best player he/she can be. At the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy, we remind our students a lifelong lesson of "Surpassing Their Best". We tell them that it is not your opponent who is your toughest competition, but in fact yourselves. At CGSA we want to be better tomorrow than we are today. To be great and also to learn something, you always need to be in uncomfortable situations. The Greenwood Method is built on more than just top-class skill development, it is also in the full-time business of preparing CGSA student's mentally for the high intense, and competitive world of professional Soccer.

Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Developing sound goals is critical to managing your own and your student's performance. Each year you will ask your employees to set goals for the upcoming year/evaluation period. When you ask your employees to write their goals, teach them to create S.M.A.R.T. goals that support your own goals for the same period.

A S.M.A.R.T. goal: is defined as one that is specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time bound. Below is a definition of each of the S.M.A.R.T. goal criteria.


Goals should be simplistically written and clearly define what you are going to do.

Specific is the What, Why, and How of the S.M.A.R.T. model.

  • WHAT​

  • WHY

  • HOW


Goals should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished the goal. Usually, the entire goal statement is a measure for the project, but there are usually several short-term or smaller measurements built into the goal.


Goals should be achievable; they should stretch you slightly so you feel challenged, but defined well enough so that you can achieve them. You must possess the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to achieve the goal.

Important Read:

You can meet most any goal when you plan your steps wisely and establish a timeframe that allows you to carry out those steps. As you carry out the steps, you can achieve goals that may have seemed impossible when you started. On the other hand, if a goal is impossible to achieve, you may not even try to accomplish it. Achievable goals motivate employees. Impossible goals demotivate them.


Goals should measure outcomes, not activities. Is the goal you are trying to reach realistic? Example: Young player named Juan from Los Angeles, CA and he loves the game. He plays at a U-14 Silver Flight. He sets his goal to play one day for Manchester United.

Explanation of Example:

"His eyes are bigger than his belly" He's just setting unrealistic goals, and setting himself up for failure. Many of young athletes quit over these situations.


Goals should be linked to a time frame that creates a practical sense of urgency, or results in tension between the current reality and the vision of the goal. Without such tension, the goal is unlikely to produce a relevant outcome.


Each Academy Staff member or CGSA Team Program Coach utilize this teaching tool to not only motivate and align their players with realistic expectations, but more importantly, keep track of their overall growth as a player and a person.

When this guideline is met you can better estimate the complete picture of what you are seeking in the game. Many young Soccer player's start off with aspirations of playing for Manchester United? Without a plan you would be driving on the motorway wearing a blindfold. Try to answer our SMART GOAL QUESTIONNAIRE below with being truthful.


Our Technical Director, Clint Greenwood takes on a sense of completion when the program is upholding its tradition of being so. The Director and Staff are 100% dedicated in offering the best Soccer Skills Education available, and they strive to give it to you by means of an Authentic solution to the developmental process.

At the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy, we commit ourselves solely to the

integrity of the game of Football. Through RECIPROCITY and Character, all student's that are dedicated to stay and graduate through Camps, Private Lessons, and the Daily Classes.


GOAL: "Set A Goal"

1. Specific. What will the goal accomplish? How and why will it be accomplished?

  • Answer:

2. Measurable. How will you measure whether or not the goal has been reached (list at least two indicators)?

  • Answer:

3. Achievable. Is it possible? Have others done it successfully? Do you have the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources to accomplish the goal? Will meeting the goal challenge you without defeating you?

  • Answer:

4. Results-focused. What is the reason, purpose, or benefit of accomplishing the goal? What is the result (not activities leading up to the result) of the goal?

  • Answer:

5. Time-bound. What is the established completion date and does that completion date create a practical sense of urgency?

  • Answer:

Revised Goal: "I want to be able to get a youth contract as a professional by the time I turn 14 years old. I need to find a personal trainer of ball skills, and work hard to improve my finishing. When January comes I want to be scoring goals as a forward on a regular basis, and being noticed by the scouts. By next summer I want to be signed by a professional club to an Academy.

* This is an example of a SMART Goal: The goal the young boy set in front of him was #1. "R" realistic, because he was a good player and capable with hard work to achieve it. #2. It was because he set out to getting signed as a youth player in a professional club. #3. As a Soccer player the most important thing is to have security. #4. This young man reached his goal of being a youth pro which was not out of realism, but the first step to be a full-time pro. #5. The goal was a lot more reachable task, because the player looked at what he wanted in life, but didn't put a dream that was impossible, but possible through what he knew was going to be hard work, and if stayed the course, he had a good chance to achieve his goal.

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